Minggu, 11 April 2010

Delphi: Export Data To Excel

Export Data to Excel on Delphi? it's so easy with TscExcelExport component.
Steps :
1. make some query on a dataset or query component
2. setting TscExcelExport to dataset
3. taraaa…. an excel file will be created, completed with field name from query

hmm… still confused? this is the source code.
Just add button, ADOquery, dan TscExcelExport of course.

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Delphi: Error Stack Overflow pada Grafik (Sort Tips)

Aku blom tau apa hubungannya...
tapi ini kualami ketika aku menggunakan komponen grafik TQRChart pada Delphi 7.
Padahal jika dicompile, fine-fine aja.
Tapi pas di-run, muncullah error itu.
Kutelusuri satu-persatu, tapi ga kutemukan letak masalahnya.
Akhirnya, aku bikin project baru aja... eh bisa jalan....

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